* indicates a required field
All uploaded files will be converted to PDF. Accepted file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx. Optionally include a cover letter and professional references.
Describe yourself in 250 characters or less.
Congressional Experience
Do you have any previous experience working for a Member of Congress?*
Education & Service
Level of Education
Check all that apply
Check all that apply
Have you performed military service?*
Have you served in the Peace Corps, Teach for America, or a similar program of service?*
Do you hold a federal security clearance that is either active or eligible for reactivation?*
Professional Interest
Posititions of Interest
Check all that apply
Offices of Interest
Check all that apply
Issues of Interest
Check all that apply
States with Connections
Choose up to three
How soon would you be available for employment?
Voluntary Self-Identification
Optional Demographic Information
This information is optional. Check all that apply.
Languages spoken. Check all that apply.
Political Party
What to expect next:
  • You will receive an email confirmation within a few minutes of your submission.
  • If you opted to be included in the Democrats Official Resume Bank, your profile will remain in the Resume Bank for 90 days.
  • Once 90 days old, your profile will be automatically archived. You will receive an email telling you that it has been archived, and inviting you to update it to remain active.
  • Any future changes you make to your profile after you click submit will immediately be viewable in the Resume Bank.